SIRE of Litter born:

25th January 2013

Five Kittens

Supreme Grand Champion

Langstteich's Bell VIP Blue

of The Legends (Imp Germany)



Born: 25th January 2013- 18th March 2014

The Legends Fiela Fooi Fiefie

Brown classic tabby girl


Photo above by Petra Smith

 Below by Hanneke Bestbier



 Owners: Petricia Oosthuizen & Petra Smith


The Legends VIP Blue Frederico

Blue classic tabby & white boy


Photo above by Petra Smith

& below by Owners  


Owners: Heine DeWaal & Demyan Roussouw of Tamboerkloof Cape Town.

The Legends Fiery Ashra 

aka Fay

Blue classic tabby & white girl


Photo above by Petra Smith

Below by Lindsay Norman

Owner: Lindsay Norman of Cape Town



The Legends  VIP Blue Freya

Blue classic tabby  girl



Photo above by Petra Smith

Below by Cohoe family


Owner:  Keenan & Amy Cohoe Cape Town

Freya and Mom TT are apparently very happy together in their new home with their new boyfriend "Artemis's

The Legends VIP Blue Bombshell



Blue classic tabby  girl



Photo taken by Petra Smith

Below by Athylle Caw of GeeDee's


Owner Athylle Caw of GeeDee's Maine Coons in JHB.


Site by Petra Smith