DOB: 07th October 2011 to 31st October 2018
Lord Snowdon
(Aka Snombie)
DOB: 7th October 2011
Solid White
Sire: Ozgurs omer of YALKINKA (Imp Netherland)
Dam: Ozgurs Guzel kis karnaki of YALINKA
- Beautifull girl of Karnaki (Imp Netherlands)
(Aka Snowy)
Breeder: Herman Janse Van Noordwyk

Top Photo Taken By Breeder
Below photos Taken By Rene Griffioen his Rehomed Owner

DOB: 24th April 2013 to 05th August 2013
Makulu Zeus
Brown Tabby & White
Sire: DK Silkyvans Jenkin (Imp Denemarke)
Dam: Ozgurs Guzel kis karnaki of YALINKA
- Beautifull girl of Karnaki (Imp Netherlands)
(Aka Snowy)
Breeder: Herman Janse Van Noordwyk

Baby Zeus The Little Legends.

DOB: 14th December 1999 to 11th March 2011
Supaya's Jessica
Red & White
Sire: SGC Akdamar Uzay (IMP)
Dam: Supaya's Aurora
Breeder: Denise Rhodes
From the first time I saw a Turkish Van I wanted one. Little did I know that this is NO feline.. this is a feline impersonator. She was different from the start...only liking us and not the other cats. It stayed like this for her entire life in our home. Jessica was indeed a special little being.. Using the toilet like a human and keeping to herself most of the time.. only being social and loving in the evenings. We use to call her the Vampire cat.

Photos of our lovely Jessica taken by my friend Irene Mc Cullagh. A very talented & amazing photographer.
Click on Olivia's eye below to View Irene's website for more of her fabulous images.
Site By Petra Smith