Grand Premier Wrevenik Felix (Maine Coon) & Grand Premier Ratatosk Shumba where our first two show cats. Shumba sadly died of DCM at the age of 4 & Half years.. Felix will be 10 years old on the 31th August 2010.

My son J.J and his first and ONLY cat Tin-Tin.. They had a very special bond for 11 and a half years before Tin-Tin died in 2005.

Our first Maine Coons stud FOX.. Still a very charismatic figure. He will be 12 years old on the 15th December 2010.

Odd eyes Oliver is our deaf white Maine Coon. He is a real clown and entertain us with his LOUD way of speaking!!!

Pia is our blue eye porselaine doll Maine Coons girl.. always posing if she is not yelling like a peacock to get our attention.. She is also deaf.

My son John with our very first Maine Coons litter. Champion Wrevenik Ryoko Ono had 7 babies.

My daughter Petricia...cuddling with Ryoko in a tender moment.

One of Ryoko's kittens "Campari" with our Tortoise!!

My husband "Harry" taking a nap with Campari.

Uncle Oliver...visiting with Ryoko(his half sisters) kittens.

Site by Petra Smith